
Bringing Spiritual Transformation to Urban Youth

Leave A Legacy of Faith, Love, & Redemption for the Next Generation

The Impact of Your Partnership is Real

Watch Darius’ story to learn how your contributions impact the lives of urban youth.

SOZO Missions Legacy Center

The Giving Initiative of the New SOZO Missions Legacy Center

Breaking the Cycle of Urban Youth Violence

Breaking the Cycle

We refuse to stand by and leave our youth stranded in the mindsets of poverty, violence, and weakness that have generationally enslaved them in low self-worth. We have experienced the redemptive power of the Gospel, and choose to make sure our youth know, THEY MATTER. To God, and to us.

Creating a culture of community leadership among urban youth

Creating A Culture

From weekly children and youth ministry gatherings, to after school mentorship programs, all the way to their lowest moments in juvenile detention centers; we choose to meet our youth right where they are, showcasing the power of the God who provides every spiritual and practical need of their life through our words and actions.

Leaving a legacy of faith to the next generation

Leaving A Legacy

Our students of yesterday have become our leaders of today, and they are leaving a legacy of faith in their schools, neighborhoods, and families. We passionately invite every student we reach into the rich legacy of our faith, continuing to move the message of the Gospel into their circles. We unapologetically invite you to partner with us in leaving that same rich legacy.

We are offering our youth hope that cannot be found in the world, which is feeding them fear and confusion. We are more determined than ever to focus our message on God and His unshakeable Kingdom, alone. As they are facing unfair and scary challenges, we point to Jesus as a source of their value and the reason they are eternally loved by a God of immeasurable love. We see hope and potential in each of these young lives, and our message to them is, YOU MATTER; not only to us, but to God.”

— Dwayne Parker // Executive Director // SOZO Missions

Dwayne Parker Executive Director of SOZO